Become a Founding Benefactor of COLW

About us

Can you help us raise £350,000 to purchase the first house for our community?  

Help us find the space to live, grow and flourish!

From Easter 2017, most of the community will move to Walsingham and reside in the 5-bedroom cottage at the House of Our Lady’s Dowry. From July 2017, we will all have permanently left our base in Brentwood to commit to the full-time mission in Walsingham. With a growing number of candidates interested in our community, we will need more space to welcome them.

A wonderful property, ‘Half Moon House’, has become available in Great Walsingham. With 10 bedrooms and a field, this would be a fantastic place for a Mother House and novitiate and to welcome young people attending shrine events.

£50,000 has already been raised off-line since starting the appeal

For Our Lady’s Community, the Church and the wider community

Our hopes for the future include; welcoming people to live alongside us for a time to deepen their Christian calling, offering places of solitude for those who would like a hermit experience and supporting the local community by our presence, prayers and home visits.

Become a founding benefactor....

Please become one of our founding benefactors by donating to this appeal. All founding benefactors, living and deceased, will be remembered in a monthly Mass offered for their intentions. You might also like to give a donation in memory of a departed loved one and have their name inscribed in the book of benefactors. Thus Mass will be offered for the repose of their soul.

We need to raise £350,000

2 people to give £25,000

5 people to give £10,000

20 people to give £2,000

40 people to give £1,000

100 people to give £500

200 people to give £150

500 people to give £50

1000 people to give £15

Will YOU be one of these people?

Any amount you can give will be gratefully received. To give online, please use this webpage. We'd be grateful if you would pass on news of this appeal to your family and friends. If anyone does not have internet access, or wishes to make a donation larger than £1,000 simply ask the community to send you the form by emailing them at [email protected]

Please note: If we are unable to purchase ‘Half Moon House’ the money will go towards another property when one becomes available.

Please keep this intention in your prayers and be assured of our prayers for you also.

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