Annual Paediatric cardiac surgery charity mission at UNTH

Annual Paediatric cardiac surgery charity mission at UNTH

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  • About

Every year Mr Ikenna Omeje, (FRCS) Consultant Paediatric cardiac Surgeon at The University Hospital of Leicester takes a team of 8-10 specialist volunteers from UK to University of Nigeria Teaching Hospital Enugu to carry out charity open heart surgery on indigent and poor infants and children. Each trip last 10-12 days and on the average they do perform 10-12 open heart surgery on patients that would have otherwise not had access to complex cardiac surgery treatment.

In addition and perhaps more important is the training and skill transfer to the local team. Their next mission is scheduled for March 2018. It cost only £3000 per case. You support is crucial for this type of mission. Save a heart Foundation target for this mission is £40,000.

Thank you for your generosity.